

Things are finally (sort of) happening!  Baby room exists! 

And we had our foster-care home study! I may be a little obsessive, but we were so over-prepared that our 2-3 hour meeting took less than 2, and we should be ready to go! Oh wait… as soon as we complete a bunch more paperwork (why didn’t you send that to me electronically sometime in the past few months as I repeatedly and endlessly followed up?) and ask our reference to re-complete our reference form (the one she already sent in was not received) and read a book and take a 150 question test! And send it all in and wait while they do their bureacracy stuff!

BUT! Other than that, we are totally ALL SET!



Mother’s day… the emotional landmine of popular culture’s unwavering dedication to the only truly acceptable female accomplishment.

As we move forward with our plans to build a family in an entirely nontraditional route, the way that society, and I unconsciously for so long, define mother-hood is just another one of the many daily needle-sticks of uncertainty.  What or who is a mother? She is the one who carried you for nine months literally feeling you growing inside her body…unless she didn’t. She literally feeds her baby from her own body…unless she didn’t or couldn’t. She is the one who is always there for a young child – unless she is the primary bread winner and the father (or other partner) is going to stay home with baby. She is the one who spends those first sleepless months, the primary caregiver, the person who teaches baby attachment and the meaning of family…again, unless she is the primary breadwinner and your household is set up for a male partner to do the vast majority of caregiving.  If you cannot grow your child, if you cannot feed your child, if you cannot set aside everything to care for your child, if you are not the first relationship to the child – what, exactly, does it mean to be “mother”?

I’m not stupid, I know families come in all shapes and sizes and styles…but when you can’t check even ONE “supposed to” box, when you cannot see yourself reflected in any “mommy blogs”, “mommy books”, or even general “mommy” conversations the already difficult struggles of a more than convoluted road to parenthood just feels that much more exhausting.

And then there’s mother day! On mother’s day, we elevate “women’s work” (generally denigrated) to a pedestal – the ONLY broadly acceptable pedestal for women.  Mother’s day focuses on women’s most important relationship to the world – procreation with nurturing loving relationships with their offspring and the essential gratitude and debt that we all owe to the caregiver we are supposed to love the most and the most instinctively.

Except for all of those valuable and amazing women who don’t want children. Except for all those who have been hurt, abandoned, abused, or otherwise estranged from their mothers. Except for all those who have lost their mothers and feel only pain and loss on this day.  Except for those who cannot have children and are therefore not afforded this one day of respect and simultaneously reminded of their endless failure.   I’m just not sure this particular holiday has any good aspect to it; it is reinforcing of traditional ideals, reinforcing of gender-roles, and painful to many.



People keep asking me if I know what is wrong.  Here’s the thing – nobody knows why I can’t grow a baby.  As far as we know, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG.  Women get older and it is HARD for many of them to have a baby.  We are currently living in a new normal, where women have babies at every age.  “My friend got pregnant at 41, surprise! And had her first baby!”.  Well fucking GREAT for your friend! But the reason we talk about those stories is because they are rare.   As women age, it is just harder for us to have a baby. I know it looks like EVERYONE is doing it – but a lot of people are silent about their journey.  About how hard it can be just to GET pregnant and how fucking awful and miserable it is to have that moment of excitement followed by the physical and emotional depression of that end.

There is a REASON that Beyonce is having twins.  There is a REASON that Amal Clooney is having twins.  There is a reason that so, so, many people are having twins. Or triplets.  Because we are making choices to create emotional and economic stability for our children – only to find that as a result of responsibility, and planning, and waiting for the right time, we now cannot have them.  And if I was rich, honestly, immediately after that first miscarriage, I would have run right out and thrown my body onto the alter of science – I love certainty, and with enough money and time I too could be pretty certain of dancing down the street with multiples up in there.  There is nothing wrong.  This is NORMAL.